Other Resources

Here is our list of valuable resources that will help you get started.

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Another colony monitoring aggregation website is the Hiveeyes Project. It is developing a flexible beehive monitoring infrastructure platform and toolkit based on affordable hardware, wireless telemetry, and modern software. Open source, open hardware and a friendly community. Worth a look and one page on the site lists a large number of other colony monitoring projects:

Other sites you may find interesting

  • The Bee Peeker: Resources for those looking to buy or build an observation hive.
  • Bees for Development. This organization promotes sustainable beekeeping as a means of alleviating poverty and promoting biodiversity.
  • Bees as Biosensors. In contrast to using sensors to monitor bees, bees can also serve as sensors themselves. They bring samples of their environment to the hive in the form of nectar, pollen, propolis, and water, and the chemicals these contain, and bees can be trained to search for specific odors as well. This review article of bees as biosensors includes an overview of colony monitoring technologies.

Webliography A list of all of the technology websites referenced on this website. (In this alphabetized list, the http sites appear before the https sites. The http sites may update to https sites.)



Honey Bee Technology Forums

We make every effort to stay up to date, but the speed of technological change in colony monitoring devices may at times overwhelm us. Visitors to this site may also want to check honey bee technology forums. Here are some that we are aware of: